
Our school has a comprehensive and strategic Mathematics program that enables successful mathematics achievement from Prep (Foundation) to Year 6.


We provide students with the skills to:

  • Apply useful strategies to solve open-ended real-world mathematical problems
  • See connections and be able to apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes when working mathematically
  • Be confident in their knowledge of mathematics and acquire new knowledge and skills when needed
  • Understand mathematical language
  • Build upon their knowledge through differentiated lessons and challenge students’ strengths.


The features of the Mathematics program include:

  • Daily 90-minute Mathematics block
  • Whole class and small group teaching based on students’ needs
  • Grouping students for effective instruction
  • Powerful teaching strategies including developing problem-solving skills and students multiplicative thinking
  • Additional assistance for students requiring extra support
  • Extension groups for high achieving students
  • Integrated ICT resources such as iPads and 1:1 Netbooks access
  • Ongoing assessment that guides future teaching and learning using the online Department of Education, such as Essentials and PAT Math’s
  • Students self-assessment and goal setting