School Times, Supervision & OSHC

Spring Gully Primary School Schedule


8:30 am    

Classrooms Open


8:45 am

Lessons Commence


10:45 am       

Eating Time - Recess

11:30 am

Lessons Continue


1.30 pm

Eating Time – Recess


2:15 pm

Lessons Continue


3:15 pm

Students Dismissed


3:30 pm    

Yard Duty at the back of the school finishes


3:45 pm

Yard Duty at the front of school finishes (bus travellers)



Before and After School Supervision

Please refer to the notification for parents/carers regarding supervision of students before and after school hours. 

SGPS Before and After School Supervision - Parent Notification


Out of School Hours Care - Camp Australia

Outside School Hours Care is available every morning and afternoon during school terms, provided by Camp Australia. Please contact the office for more information about this service available to our school community. 


We ask for your co-operation to explain to your child that:

  • They should report to teachers if you have not arrived to collect them on time
  • They must never leave the school grounds during recess
  • They must use the school crossing where applicable, and we also insist adults use the crossing at Spring Gully Road at all times.

Late Arrivals

Punctuality is essential – please assist your child by having them at school on time. If your child does arrive late, we ask that you come via the office and sign in late. This is necessary as class rolls are marked at 8:45 am, and if your child is not in class at this time, they will be marked as absent. By signing in, we are able to adjust our records so that your child is then marked as late rather than absent.


Leaving Early

If for some reason your child needs to leave the school prior to the end of the school day, we ask that you come via the office and complete the sign-out note. These requirements are necessary to comply with Department regulations, minimise legal liabilities, and to provide an adequate duty of care.