Respectful Relationships

In 2016 Respectful Relationships education became a core component of the Victorian Curriculum. Respectful Relationships is an initiative to support schools and early childhood education settings to promote and model respect and equality. It also supports educators to teach our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience, and confidence. 

Spring Gully Primary School is one of approximately 120 schools statewide leading the program.


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people has been shown to improve health-related outcomes and subjective well-being. It also reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence.


Each year level covers the same topics at the same time over a two-year period, with the exception of Prep who cover all the topics in one year. The topics are listed below and these are the same at each year level. The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program is assessed in the Victorian Curriculum areas of Personal and Social Capability and Health and Physical Education.


The topics covered are:

  • Emotional Literacy
  • Personal Strengths
  • Positive Coping
  • Problem Solving
  • Stress Management
  • Help-Seeking
  • Gender and Identity
  • Positive Gender Relations

What is Respectful Relationships education?