School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

What is the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPS) at Spring Gully?

Spring Gully Primary School follows a positive behaviour approach to enhance the academic and social behaviour outcomes for all students. This is a whole school approach to create an environment, which encourages effective learning, development of a positive, calm and welcoming atmosphere within the school. It is preventative, and switches focus from negative behaviours and exchanges to positive expectations and interactions. We aim to encourage, recognise and reward the positive behaviours displayed by students. At Spring Gully, learning appropriate social skills and displaying positive behaviour is an important aspect of our role as a school.


Introducing, modelling and reinforcing positive social behaviour is an important step in a child’s educational experience. Explicitly teaching our behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for demonstrating them by using consistent language is a key to our success.


Behaviour Expectation Matrix

To ensure our students are aware of the expected behaviours that are encouraged within the school grounds, we have developed a Positive Behaviour Matrix for Prep – 6 students. This matrix coincides with our school values and is there to support students in showing positive social skills.


The matrix includes appropriate behaviours in specific areas around the school including:

  • All settings
  • Play areas
  • Sports zones
  • Walkways
  • Toilets

Reward Systems

Teachers reward and recognise students who display our school values in a number of ways. Each teacher implements a positive reward system in their classroom and uses it to encourage positive behaviours in the classroom.


Teachers that witness extraordinary displays of positive behaviour in the classroom or in the schoolyard, recognise the behaviour by rewarding students with a Value Award. Students are presented with these awards each Friday at assembly.


Here is the Spring Gully SWPBS Family Handbook.